Day 2, Gooch Mountain Shelter

Latitude: 34.655621 Longitude: -84.05071
Today started at Stover and my destination for the day changed from Hawk Mountain to Gooch Mountain Shelter because Hawk is usually the most crowded shelter on the AT due to its proximity to the AT start. Today was a 12.9 mile day and once at the shelter the site filled up fast with over 30+ campers arriving here and as the night progresses late arrivals had to continue down the trail to find a spot to pitch their tent-sad to see as many had already had a long day under their belt. The night consisted of dinner and a campfire where we all shared where we were from and goals of the coming days. I decided to go with Rocket Man as my trail name since I have a MS degree in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering. As far as I know I’m the only Aerospace Engineer on the trail at the moment.