
1Springer Mountain03/14/22
2Gooch Mountain Shelter03/15/22
3Wood's Hole Shelter03/16/22
4Low Gap03/17/22
5Rocky Mountain03/18/22
6Deep Gap Shelter03/19/22
7Plumorchard gap shelter03/20/22
8Standing Indian Shelter03/21/22
9Rock Gap03/22/22
10Franklin, NC Hostel03/23/22
11Somewhere in the woods03/24/22
12Nantahala Outdoor Center03/25/22
13Brown Fork Gap Shelter03/26/22
14Fontana Dam03/27/22
16Derrick Knob shelter03/29/22
15Mollies Ridge shelter03/28/22
18Peck's Corner Shelter03/31/22
20Snowbird Mountain04/2/22
17Mt. Collins Shelter03/30/22
19Cosby Knob Shelter04/1/22
21Walnut Mountain shelter04/3/22
22Hot Springs04/4/22
23Hot Springs Day 204/5/22
24Spring Mountain Shelter04/6/22
25Jerry's Cabin Shelter04/7/22
26Hogback Ridge Shelter04/8/22
27Whistling Gap04/9/22
28Uncle Johnny's Cabin04/10/22
29Cherry Gap Shelter04/11/22
30Roan High Knob Shelter04/12/22
31Mtn Harbor BnB04/13/22
32Campsite in a meadow04/14/22
33Boots off hostel and campground04/15/22
34Iron Mountain Shelter04/16/22
35On the trail04/17/22
36Damascus, VA04/18/22
37Damascus, VA 204/19/22
38Lost Mountain Shelter04/20/22
39Wise shelter 04/21/22
40In the woods somehwere04/22/22
41Chatfield Shelter04/23/22
42Quarter Way Inn04/24/22
43Old AT Trail campsite04/25/22
44VA Route 612 and Kimberling Creek04/26/22
45Trents Grocery04/27/22
46Woods Hole Shelter04/28/22
47Rice Field Shelter04/29/22
48Wind Rock04/30/22
49Sarver Hollow Shelter05/01/22
50Spectacles Gap05/02/22
51Lambert Shelter05/03/22
53Boblets Gap5/5/2022
54Cornelius Creek Shelter5/6/2022
56Brown Mountain Creek Shelter5/8/2022
57Spy Rock5/9/2022
58Paul C Wolfe shelter5/10/2022
59Devils Backbone5/11/2022
61Waynesboro 25/13/2022
62Waynesboro 35/14/2022
63Waynesboro 45/15/2022
64Blackrock Hut5/16/2022
65Pinefield Hut5/17/2022
66Lewis Mountain Campground5/18/2022
68Piney Ridge Trail Stealth Spot5/20/2022
69Stumble Inn5/21/2022
70Whiskey Hollow Shelter5/22/2022
71Bears Den Hostel5/23/2022
724 Mile Campsite5/24/2022
73Crampton Gap Shelter5/25/2022
74Ensign Cowall Shelter5/26/2022
75Harpers Ferry5/27/2022
76Harpers Ferry 25/28/2022
77Harpers Ferry 35/29/2022
78Quarry Gap Shelter5/30/2022
79Ironmasters Mansion Hostel5/31/2022
80Lisas hostel6/1/2022
81Darlington Shelter6/2/2022
82Peter's Mountain Shelter6/3/2022
83Rausch Gap Shelter6/4/2022
84501 Shelter6/5/2022
85Port Clinton6/6/2022
86Windsor Furnace Shelter6/7/2022
87Allentown Hiking Club Shelter6/8/2022
88Palmerton PA6/9/2022
89Palmerton PA6/10/2022
90Palmerton PA6/11/2022
91Leroy A Smith Shelter6/12/2022
92Delaware Water Gap6/13/2022
93In the woods6/14/2022
94Mashipacong Shelter6/15/2022
95Unionville NY6/16/2022
97Wildcat Shelter6/18/2022
98William Brien Memorial Shelter6/19/2022
99Greymoor Spiritual Life Center ball field6/20/2022
100RPH Shelter6/21/2022
101Pawling NY6/22/2022
102Mt Algo Shelter6/23/2022
103Pine Swamp Brook Shelter6/24/2022
104Salisbury CT6/25/2022
105Glen Brook Shelter6/26/2022
106South Wilcox Shelter6/27/2022
107Upper Goose Pond Cabin6/28/2022
108Kay Shelter6/29/2022
109Mark Noepel Shelter6/30/2022
110Seth Warner Shelter7/1/2022
111Bennington Vermont7/2/2022
112Bennington Vermont7/3/2022
113Kid Gore Shelter7/4/2022
114Stratton Pond Shelter7/5/2022
115Manchester Center, Vermont7/6/2022
116Big Branch Shelter7/7/2022
117Clarendon Shelter7/8/2022
118Rutland VT7/9/2022
119Lookout Cabin7/10/2022
120Thistle Hill Shelter7/11/2022
121Hanover New Hampshire7/12/2022
122Hanover New Hampshire7/13/2022
123Trapper John Shelter7/14/2022
124Hexacuba Shelter7/15/2022
125Hikers Welcome Hostel7/16/2022
126Hikers Welcome Hostel7/17/2022
127Garfield Shelter7/18/2022
128Notch Hostel7/19/2022
129Ethan's Pond Shelter7/20/2022
130Mizpah Spring Hut7/21/2022
131Madison Spring Shelter7/22/2022
132Gorham NH7/23/2022
133IMP campsite7/24/2022
134Gorham NH7/25/2022
135Gentian Pond Shelter7/26/2022
136Pond Shelter7/27/2022
137East B Hill Road7/28/2022
138South Arm Rd.7/29/2022
139In the wild7/30/2022
140Route 177/31/2022
141Hiker Hut Hostel8/1/2022
142Sluice Brook Loggin Road8/2/2022
143Caribou Valley Road8/3/2022
144Crocker Mountains8/4/2022
145Pierce Pond Shelter8/5/2022
146Bald Mountain Brook8/6/2022
147Horshoe Canyon8/7/2022
148Monson Maine8/8/2022
149Monson Maine8/9/2022
150Monson Maine8/10/2022
151Slack pack8/11/2022
153100 Mile Wilderness8/13/2022
154Potaywadjo Spring Lean-to8/14/2022
155Rainbow Stream Lean-to8/15/2022
156Abol Bridge Campground8/16/2022
157Mount Katahdin Summit8/17/2022