Day 39, Wise shelter 

Latitude: 36.655154 Longitude: -81.499071
I started the day with my first hot breakfast-oatmeal,coffee a pop tart and energy bar. The day started out great-chilly morning but it was a shorts day with a big climb on Mt Rogers National Recreational Area and the Greyson Highlands State Park. I got to see the wild ponies and a new born colt but he was camera shy. I spent most of the day hiking with a guy that goes by yolo (you only live once) he is making videos documenting his trip and I should be in a little of todays post once he gets it onto his youtube channel. This area was beautiful and I recommend those who like day hikes to look into visiting these parks. The day ended just outside the parks Northern border along a creek that provided the perfect background noise for a restful night.